07/03/09 : If it's impossible to get physically tired, tire your mental self.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Yup, work has been evading me like the plague, blame it on the current economic 'joke'.
Gives me craploads of time to learn things, though. Like sharpen the mind, read manga, and stuff like that, because the time has finally come when I'm actually staying at home and being bored.
Not that it isn't good or anything but, this time I've got a reason to raise the cash, and now the work evades me when I want to try new things. Well, not that I haven't evaded a certain line of work...
But I want to talk about right now.
I'm covered in sweat, and I guess I'll have to cool off a little before heading for bed. Man, it's this late again...
Yup, this entire day, playing a little Diablo II here, a little manga there, Serious Sam here, Melty Blood there, yeah, the degree of boredom is becoming abyssmal. But at least I finally get to sit down and sort of catch up with what I've been missing out on. Exams took a fair amount of time off, so I guess now I'm not used to being at home like this.
The sweat, though, is from soloing almost 3 levels of Serious Sam. On 'Serious' difficulty. It really hurts the head.
It was fun though. I had quite a desperate time in there while trying my utmost to survive, all while on my own. If not for infinite ammo and infinite lives, I would be dropping the game much sooner.
The experience was great. Forces you back to the very basics of killing specific enemies, since you'll be facing a variety, and to top it off, a crapload, of them.
'Sidestep the Kleer! No, there's another behind you! Oh look out for the Reptiloid projectile! Oh no, you triggered another Biomech! Oh hide from the Arachnoid before it sees you! Oh no, don't just stand there! Oh, you died.'
Yup. Not that I've given up trying to survive that battle, but at least give me credit for stretching myself to the limits. There are players out there who could do it, though.
Okay, now that my sweat has cooled off, and my head still hurting, I'll end this post. Sleep time.
Let it Rain.