07/08/09 : Crap, I neglected you again.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Oh well.
It seems like I'll post when I feel like it. Meh.
Life has been a grinding session so far : Elites camp, Shoot-O, National Day Celebration...
Wearing out can never bode very well. I even see people falling sick here and there.
Come on, stop over-applying pressure upon yourselves. Your body and mind has limits.
I've finally go my PSP, by the way. It's great, but it doesn't seem that I can play it everyday.
At least it keeps me occupied during my train trips and breaks between classes.
Games. A perfect escape from reality without having to answer to anyone but yourself.
Life, the reason why games exist, I guess. Yes, it's hell most of the time, but I guess we should just be realistic and face the pile of crap that will present itself to us in the near future.
33 more days to my birthday...
I really don't wish to start the count now. It means that in 33 days, my promise will expire, and I would have broken a promise with the sea.
"I will find 'her', and stand here at this very spot!" That's what I screamed at Labrador Park.
I guess it'll have to be broken very soon.
Life sucks that way. Oh well.
Friends are there for me though, I'm happy for that.
I ran out of things to say.
With pride,
Let it Rain.